Hobbies make life fun! Enjoying an activity with your Entlebucher elevates the relationship to a whole new level and you'll both benefit! Each activity provides opportunities to meet new people/dogs, learn new things, travel to new places and experience a wide range of life lessons.

Current News
Jaylah has earned her AKC ScentWork Detective title and is working on her MACH. She has more than enough points (she is very fast), we are on the hunt for double Q's! Jaylah has been spayed now so we are looking forward to more uninterrupted time to chip away at and achieve that goal! Onwards and upwards!

Recent Events
Geordi earned his Novice Agility Standard (NA) title April 14th at the Medallion Rottweiler Club trial at Canine Sports Zone in Madison. It was not flawless yet he did it with great enthusiasm, creativity, entertainment & flair like he does everything! NEWSFLASH- Geordi passed all his CHIC health testing requirements with Excellent graded hips & he has PRA Clear eyes. We are preparing our paperwork for him to be added an a BCOE Stud dog. He says this dude is ready to meet some girls!

What's New
Risa has earned her conformation IntCH (Championship), an AKC conformation major and many higher level titles in agility and nosework in 2023. She also had a fabulous, very respectable showing at the Agility Invitationals event. She has passed all her CHIC health testing requirements and we are planning to breed her to a wonderful male out east.
There are so many activities you can enjoy with your Entlebucher. The internet is a great tool to research information and resources on various canine sports and new adventures! It doesn't matter how young or old you or your dog are, there is an activity for anyone and any dog! We'll share experiences with some of the canine sports we enjoy.
A good place to start is with your dog's historic breed function and pre-wired natural aptitudes. All dogs are broken into groups by a common function, like herding or guarding stock, hunting vermin, even the sole purpose of being a pure companion. If you have an "All American" (mixed breed), guess at the mix of breeds in their background to guide you. Then look to your own individual dog's unique talents, abilities and your interests. Keep in mind your dog's body type and personality to make sure that you're being safe and fair in choosing an activity to pursue.
When you participate in canine activities, you will meet some of the nicest people! Most 'Dog people' wish to be more like the dogs they admire- loyal and compassionate, plus unconditional in love and friendship. Being more "dog-like" of their best virtues is definitely a goal worth working toward!
Dog training and sports offer many more benefits to discover: exercise, relaxation, laughter, learning new things, humility, sportmanship, better communication skills, goal setting and accomplishment, plus enjoying simple moments... and travel!
We travel with our dogs a lot. Each new adventure brings pet friendly stores and places to stay, parks and neighborhoods to explore, mountains and trails to hike, dog and human friends to get together with... for more stories, laughter, and memories.
Entlebuchers and Activities
Entlebuchers are smart, versatile and have the ability to excel in many areas. Dog sports can provide a meaningful ‘job’ for your Entle. Many Entles require a job, not as a luxury but as a necessity to stay sane and happy living with them. Entlebuchers need mental exercise as well as physical for optimal health.
I was drawn to the Entlebucher Cattle Dog breed for their great looks, medium size, low maintenance grooming but above all... versatility! I wanted a dog that could do it all! My goal with our Entlebuchers is to showcase what is possible for/with this breed. They have so much potential and are capable of achieving the highest levels in many activities. Physically, they were bred and built to be athletes. Another winning trait is their "can-do-desire-to-please" attitude. Entles give their all in everything they do and are happiest doing anything with their owner.
Being a rare, newer U.S. breed, one of my biggest concerns is that they will be "supersized" (in bone) to the point that their physical body can no longer hold up to their mental energy and work ethic. That would not be true to their original function or purpose as herding and working farm dogs! I'm also not suggesting they be bred 'for' certain sports or racey and light boned. My point is that there are limits to how much can be packed into a compact frame before the body breaks down and pays the price. An Entle with the mental energy, stamina and need to work but without the physical capablility to do the job will be frustrated, miserable and impossible to live with.
BALANCE is an important characteristic for the Entlebucher breed to thrive. My expressed concern and these types of debates are very common in the world of purebred dogs. Only time will tell. It is human nature to take notice of exaggerations and spectacular extreme traits. Over time that can change perspective. There are breeds that have a split between the "conformation show dog" style and the "performance dog" style. Learning to appreciate the golden middle and evaluate the whole dog is critical.
I am suggesting that bone is our breed's potential "Achilles' heel" trait. Too little can cause weakness, frailty or structural instability. Too much hinders movement, agility and endurance. Our breed standard clearly defines the Entlebucher as a medium, moderate size dog, which is the essence of their original purpose and function as herding and all purpose general farm dogs. Of the Swiss family dogs; The Entlebucher and Appenzeller are both muscular yet medium and moderate; they are both more agile and did more of the cattle herding on the farm. The Bernese and Greater Swiss are both large size dogs with heavier bone; they did more draft work and cart pulling. It is important to note: the 2 large size dogs carry a greater weight to height ratio.
What is a Title, Really?
Not just a brag, or a stepping stone to a higher Title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores.
A Title is a tribute to the dog that bears it- a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory for about as long as anything in this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better in that regard. And though the dog doesn't know or care that their achievements have been noted, a Title says many things in this world of humans, where such things count.
A Title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable and good-natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, no matter how crazy they may have sometimes seemed. A Title says that you loved your dog, that you loved spending time with them; that you believed in him/her and each other enough to take yet another chance when you failed and in the end your faith was justified.
A Title says that your dog inspired you to have that special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a Title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return. And when that dear short life is over, the Title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend~ cherished time and volumes of praise in one small set of initials before or after their name.
A Title is nothing less than love and respect, given and received permanently!
Author: Sandy Mowry

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Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras