Dogs of Our Past
Each dog teaches, shapes and changes us to become who we are!
Thoughts on Love and Grief
There is an anonymous quote that goes: "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog dog comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become generous and loving as they are"

Never Easy
We have been through the loss of beloved dogs a few times now. It is never easy no matter the circumstances (sick, sudden, accident, long illness, euthanization...) and never gets easier. Over time I will be inspired to add more to this page. I believe it will even be very cathartic. Each person must gieve and deal with it in their own way as best they can. I do not understand people that say they will not get another dog after one passes on. Yes the pain is intense but the years of unconditional love, incredible memories that no one can take away, the ways they become a part of you for all they have given... how can someone deprive themselves of that? No one can close themselves off from the hard stuff in life; why punish yourself by not allowing the good stuff?
Losing a beloved dog can affect us deeply and it can be harder to deal with if you work or live with people that minimize the loss. There is nothing to minimize about this type of loss. Loving a dog can be one of the most profound relationship because they give us so much, they are with us through so many of life's milestones, always faithful and just there. A calming presence that does not judge and seems to listen and hang on every word you say with soulful, wise, comforting eyes.
I had not planned on doing this page but there is merit to bring this topic out in the open. I can not adequately share about our adventures and life with our dogs without touching on the grief when they leave. Death is a part of life. My grief over our first entlebucher Bayla was so intense that I needed to learn how to deal with and work through the grief. I found a pet grief support group that was amazing! I read books, found an online candle vigil and memorial site to participate in, journaled (a lot), made a scrapbook, found a nice keepsake and cried and shared a lot.
Helpful Grief Link and Resources
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement- Resources for free and paid services including no-charge support groups.
Pet Loss Support - Site with quality of life resources and community links to create a free online memorial.

The Heading1
This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider. Lorem ipsum not available so I'll just type a bunch of stuff....
The Heading2
This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider. Lorem ipsum not available so I'll just type a bunch of stuff....
The Heading3
This is an example of the content for a specific image in the Nivo slider. Lorem ipsum not available so I'll just type a bunch of stuff....

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras