MACH3 Superstar Kai v. Adhem CGC RA XF MXB2 MJB2 T2B
Kai was an unexpected addition to our family. She has taught me that we
are all stronger and more resiliant than we give ourselves credit for.
I believe we were brought together because we needed each other...
and it was meant to be!
Kai ~ 12/12/2009 - 1/08/2024
Kai joined our family as a 5 month old "second chance" re-home puppy from a breeder. She was a little “too much” for her previous owners. They did not bond with her and as a result made some serious socializing and training mistakes. They tried and understood their own limitations when it wasn't working out. Kai is from Adhem Entlebuchers. They helped in re-homing her. Adhem Entles was supportive, honest and open which helped us decide to adopt her.We received copies of her original paperwork, temperament and health tests plus they sent us adorable baby pictures! Kai is a pretty girl! Re-homing Kai taught me about the impact of that critical 8 to 16 week old socialization period and the huge impact of genetics/nature.
Kai came to us with some fear related issues, a lack of confidence and learned helplessness. She was a little more independent in personality, very athletic, intelligent, and really needed a mental outlet for her normal, zany puppy energy.
Right away we set out to desensitize, re-socialize and build her confidence. Kai received clear rules and boundaries, many short training sessions, positive reinforcement and exposure outings multiple times a day. I worked hard to catch her back up to where she should have been. She was not physically abused but mentally she was a mess; afraid to try things, offer new behaviors or make mistakes. It was also obvious she learned to seek attention for naughty behaviors like jumping, nipping, screaming when touched… She was shut down and used to hearing “no” instead of being encouraged and reinforced for appropriate behavior.
We knew about these challenges before we agreed to welcome her into our family. Her breeder shared the information. Well, we love puzzles and challenges… can’t walk away from an opportunity or an “under dog”, especially since the circumstances seemed right. I also knew Kai’s lines well and liked many of the dogs in her pedigree. It felt like she was meant to be part of our family for all the reasons we could help each other. Big thanks to Jan, Jane and my friend Jen (owner of Kai’s dad, Earl). Jen took Kai initially to get her started heading back in the right direction. We have had much experience with "second chance" dogs. They are always grateful and can become first rate companions with patience, love and consistency! It is also important, especially with "second chance" dogs, to accept the dog as an individual. One surprise Kai has made clear to us is realizing that certain traits/characteristics truly are genetic; they can be worked with and modified... but sometraits are not as tweakable since they are so deeply ingrained. Please read this insightful article about working with a dog that has fear issues:
Busting The Myths II- Silvia Trkman
May 2010 we began tracking, as our first formal training experience together. It really was the perfect way to help build her confidence, give her a sense of purpose and begin our relationship. We also incorporated clicker training, rally and obedience, learning tricks and playing games (Susan Garrett style). July 2010 we started foundation agility with Beth Knotts of Raising the Bar Dog Training. Kai has also been exposed to K9 Nosework and Sheep Herding. Kai has thrived in our family! It's been rewarding to see her overcome her past and fulfill her potential. Kai has a blast running agility with her daddy and they have achieved extraordinary things together!
Registered Name:
MACH3 Superstar Kai v. Adhem CGC, RA, MXB2, MJB2, XF, T2B
Kai's Knicknames:
Birdy, Birdus (or Bird-i-cus), Grumbles, Squealy
Kai's Star Trek namesake
Kais Breeders- Adhem Entlebuchers
Adhem Entlebuchers: Jan and Barry Vincent
Royal Peak Entlebuchers - Kais Sire Earl
Kai Agility- You Tube Video Links
AKC Novice Debut
AKC Excellent Std Debut and OAJ Title ; Excellent JWW Debut and Excellent Std
AKC Masters JWW ; 1st Double Q ; Masters JWW Title; QQ#13 ; QQ#17
2014 AKC Agility Invitational Runs ; 2015 AKC Invitational Runs
2016 AKC Invitationals Success!
Patrick & Superstar Kai laid down 5 clean, fast runs to earn: 3rd place overall in the 16" division at the 2016 AKC Agility Invitationals! Many teams had a hard time with the fast tunel/dogwalk/jump, ending sequence. Pat did not hestitate to go for broke. He trusted Kai and she executed a gorgeous running dogwalk to secure their placement. Pat & Kai stayed cool and confident, showed marvelous teamwork, top-notch sportsmanship, and represented the Entlebucher breed with pizazz and class!

2016 Invitationals Video- 3rd place overall in the USA, 16" Division!
Kai is zany, quirky and a fun-lovin' gal! She is a bit more independent and soft natured yet with a very sweet, sensitive soul. Kai likes going new places and learning new things; she's highly reactive, and excitable. We make the reference that Kai is like a light switch- she flips on & off... goes from zero to 60 in a split second. Kai has a big mouth and is very barky! She believes everyone is entitled to her opinion on everything, ironically except agility. In agility Kai is all business and runs totally silent, otherwise she is really verbal barking and grumbling much of the time.
Kai is much more aloof with strangers initially, which is proper by the Entle standard. She warms up to people slowly but is very loyal, enthusiastic and affectionate once you are in her circle of friends and family... then her greetings are way over the top (even for an Entle)- she contorts her body and squeals with delight expressing extreme happiness! "Enthusiastic" greetings are common in the breed- Kai takes it to a whole new level!
Kai can be super silly, so expressive and even cartoon-like. She makes us laugh every day! Kai will play with hula hoops and does somersaults but food is her favorite motivator by far! Oh the joy of being Kai- when happy, she'll put her head upside down and roll over into a vertical somersault... smiling and verbalizing with sounds that actually mimic human laughter!
• Kai earned her AKC Novice Rally title (RN) February 2011, at 14 months old.
• Kai earned her AKC Advanced Rally title (RA) at the NEMDA Specialty 2011.
• Kai had 13/15 points in Conformation including her Majors toward her AKC Championship before she was spayed.
• Kai debuted in AKC agility July 2011 going 4/5 qualifying runs with all placements.
• Kai earned her Excellent Agility title (AX) January 21, 2012 in her 5th trial.
• Kai earned her 1st Double Q in AKC Agility November 25, 2012 at Camp Bandy under Judge: Joan Simon.
• Kai earned her AKC Master Agility Championship (MACH) title April 26, 2014 at Camp Bandy.
-- Kai is the 1st female Entlebucher to earn an AKC Agility Championship & the 3rd Entle overall!
• Kai earned her 2nd AKC Master Agility Championship (MACH2) title November 6, 2016 at Oshkosh.
-- Kai is the 3rd Entlebucher to earn a MACH2 & the 1st female Entle!
• Kai earned the distinction of placing 3rd in the 16" Division at the 2016 AKC Invitationals event in Florida.
• Kai placed 8th in the 16" Division at the 2018 AKC Invitationals event in Florida.
* Kai is proving true to her name... S-S-S-SUPERSTAR!
Kais Stats
DOB: 12/12/09
Height: 17.75" ; Weight: 46 lbs.
Optigen- prcd Carrier
Kai has a Posterior Polar Cataract and has been spayed .
This quote is an inspiration that transformed our journey:
"Regardless of where your dog started out, what he/she becomes is a reflection of your ability to train. People lament ‘but my rescue-dog is different, he had baggage!’ I detest that word “baggage.” To me, using that word is giving yourself an excuse to fail... your rescue dog, is a reflection of your ability to train a rescue dog. Are you able to keep your eyes looking forward to the future or do you keep glancing back at your dog’s past life (either real or what you imagine it to be?) Don’t allow yourself to be the kind of person that is constantly looking for what may or may not be there; but rather look beyond what may seem to be a limitation, to the great potential within the dog... those qualities that ARE there but just need some loving polish from you to help make them shine."
- Susan Garrett